Friday, March 30, 2012

Prayer Diary

Writing a note to someone is a lovely way to support them when they need prayer. There are often so many prayer needs that we can feel overwhelmed. If you try out even a few of the prayer aids suggested over the past few weeks of Lent, you'll have enriched your prayer life.
But...How do you keep track of your prayers and how they have been answered? One way is a Prayer Journal or Prayer Diary. There are many ways of doing this.
The simplest Prayer Diary is a spiral notebook that you list your prayer requests in. Once a month (or whenever you decide) go back and look over the prayers to see what sort of answer God has given. There will probably be an assortment of responses. Sometimes you will see that visible results have happened. At others it will seem that nothing has changed. Then there will be those times when the person you are praying for has gone to be with the Lord. At first that might seem like a negative answer, but rather it is the ultimate healing.

You can have a fancier notebook, of course. Your journal/diary can include clippings and pictures if you want. Sometimes I add drawings and other notes to mine. You can buy a nice book for your journal, but it isn't necessary.
Believe it our not (in keeping with the techno prayer aids earlier this week)-you can even find online Prayer Journals or downloadable ones-just do a 'google' search!