Monday, April 2, 2012

Prayer with Bible Story

Holy Week is a wonderful time to use the Bible story itself as a prayer aid. You can use any Bible story as the basis for reflection and meditation. During Holy Week, a natural story would be the Entry into Jerusalem, Maundy Thursday, the Passion and Resurrection. You could meditate on the different parts of the story on the appropriate day or pick a day to consider all the aspects of this special week.
As with most of the prayer aids there are many ways to implement this prayer discipline.
Start out by reading the selected Bible story several times. Sometimes it helps to read the same story in several different translations. After you have really read and re-read the story, set it aside and imagine yourself in the story. Pick one of the characters and ask some questions about what it would have been like to be in the story.
"How would I have felt?" "What would my reponse have been?"
Can you relate the story to your own personal experience? "Do I respond like [character]?" "Did the character respond in the best way?"
After you sit with the story and the character for some time and consider some of these questions, you can ask "What did he/she/I learn about God through this story?" "Where is God in the whole picture?"
Finish your meditation with a prayer, thanking God for the insights. Ask God for help with anything that was difficult for you in the story.