Sunday, April 15, 2012

We are a Prayer Shawl

As described in Together, Bishop Vono has a vision for greater communication and interaction and support between and among women of the DRG. Communication will strengthen women individually and corporately in ministry and worship and study. 
Sally Blackstad, Cindy Davis, Jane Madrid, Sandy Martin, Rickie Sherrill, and Elaine Wilson met in the Clark Center of the Cathedral on Saturday, April 14 to brainstorm, in broad strokes, a starting point for ministry to and with Women of the Diocese of the Rio Grande.
We began with each of us sharing a time when she felt particularly close to God or when she felt like an ‘instrument’ of God’s work. Two parallel themes emerged as times when God is present. There is a quiet/peace component and the creative/active side.
After exploring some current ministries and women’s demographics in light of these themes (see below*), we agreed that a basic need, as we move forward with women’s ministry, is to LISTEN and to REACH OUT to all women. There is a great need to be in communication with each other. This will have many benefits, not least of these is ‘breaking down’ the tendency to stick with just 'our own' ministry group within 'our own' church and not look beyond to see what other groups and other women are doing across each church and esp. across the Diocese.

A metaphor for what we see the Women of the DRG becoming is that “we are a Prayer Shawl,” jointly offering prayerful, quiet comfort and also we are a way to be active in creating and offering ministries. Under the mantle of "Prayer Shawl," we can begin the process of listening to each other and explore ways to enrich our ministry as women in the Diocese. Within the shawl, we can share Christ’s love with each other and hold open the shawl to welcome others into ministry, study, and prayer.

Some ideas for starting this process included having something like a social gathering, or a dance, or a convention, or a retreat format. Perhaps Skype can be used to include women who cannot attend discussions in person. Bosque Center or Camp Stoney are a couple of places that offer accommodations for this sort of meeting. Watch for more information about events and opportunities to share your ideas. 
Of course-an easy way to share is to comment on this blog or email Cindy.

 (*an outline of our discussions)
We explored the work of some current ministries of the Diocese in light of these 2 themes:

Quiet Day events
Sharing between individuals and within chapters of insights
Gathering time of quiet and prayer
Active discussion
Altar Guild
Time in the church doing the work
Taking time to see that the “Home is in order”
Individual prayers and gifts
Posters, advertising, telling about

Joint offering and subsequent grants
ECW in Diocese of Chicago
Always a worship/prayer component
Discussion of lessons in midst of worship

We then considered how several women’s demographics would relate to the dual themes:

Single women (is there a difference based on age?)
Personal invitation
Group studies, lunches
Young mothers
Offer of childcare
Gift of child care
Moms of teens
Quiet time while waiting for child
Blogs, online & other resources that can be read in car
Too much ‘silence’ not enough quiet
Opportunities for classes, retreats, activities