The event started on Friday evening with a time of introductions and sharing. The Rev. Pat Green from St. Mark's was our keynote speaker for the retreat. On Friday she asked us to consider what the word "Abide" means. We shared synonyms for the word that ranged from 'stay' and 'wait' to 'endure' and 'relationship'.
Pat noted that in modern parlance, the word translated "Abide" in the KJV could likely be written as "plugged-in", "wired", or "connected" in the sense of a power strip or other electronics. The vital connection to the vine is necessary for us to live and grow, just as a phone or i-pad will eventually quit working if not recharged regularly. Pat reminded us that we are each uniquely gifted to be our own special part of the Body so we can use our gifts for the church. However, it is essential that we stay connected to the Vine.
After worship, Pat continued her keynote talk by asking us what Fruit Jesus might be talking about in John 14-15. She had us consider what exactly 'fruit' is. We realized that fruit is many things and comes in many kinds. Some fruit may produce seed that doesn't germinate immediately, too. It may lay fallow for awhile. Other fruit may never ripen because it doesn't remain attached to the Vine. Ultimately, the fruit we are called to bear is the Fruit of Love-to "love one another as I have loved you."
All our ways of Abiding in the Vine, therefore in Christ, are ways of loving one another and bearing fruit. These are things like obedience, prayer, study, service, fellowship, thanksgiving, listening, practicing our call, acceptance and by expecting God to act. The Retreat offered a time to stepping out of the day-to-day in order to be refreshed and reconnected to the Living Vine.
During the retreat we had a chance to try different Prayer Experiences as ways of Abiding. Sue Ellen Rael presented a session on Icons and how they are a prayer aid. Shirin McArthur taught a group the first steps of Embodied Prayer. Elaine Wilson offered an overview of using the Book of Common Prayer more fully. Quiet time after lunch afforded participants the chance to enjoy the Bosque Center, visit, and to pause to vision where our personal Abiding might take us in the next months and years. These thoughts became our offering for the Eucharist which ended the day and retreat.