On the Fifth Day of Christmas...
A ring is a circle-a symbol of completeness, eternity, infinity, and God. Most religions use circles—think of Stonehenge, the Wheel of Life, halos... The Celtic cross has a circle in the center representing the sun. We talk of being part of the ‘inner circle’ or having a ‘circle of friends’.
There is the well known poem by Edwin Markham that epitomizes the way God works:Outwitted
He drew a circle that shut me out--
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But Love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle that took him in!
As we look forward to 2014, there are already 5 opportunities listed in the calendar...our 5 Golden Rings...to be part of the growing circle of Women of the DRG. I hope you will add one or more of these upcoming events to your calendar! Each time we gather as Women of the Diocese of the Rio Grande, we make our circle larger and more complete.
Online registration info is available on the calendar page for the upcoming Lent Retreat in ABQ and for the June Christ & Chocolate & Cherishing Retreat in Taos!