Sunday, December 2, 2012

Crazy Quilt Conversations Part 2

Why we are

Small groups put together random pieces of paper into a square as way of demonstrating that seemingly unconnected things can form a design and create something.
Starting with this idea of unconnected things, the groups brainstormed ‘outside the box’ to vision who Women of the DRG are in 5 years.
Then the ideas were shared in the large group, captured as if the 5 year dream was a present reality:

Demographics of Women of DRG:

We have a ministry to the ‘differently abled’.
We have churches full of children (and by extensions families, which can mean single parents).
We realize we have many roles/ministries that are not church related and we honor those roles.
We have women lay leaders, training lay leaders and more clergy women.
We have articulate, grounded women (lay and ordained) who can respond to seekers and to fundamentalists.
We have women as active lay preachers, and who can give inspiring testimonials.
We have shared leadership between lay and ordained.
We, as women, are leaders in taking the diocese ‘out of the box’.

Spiritual Life of Women of DRG

We promote spiritual development education for all ages, esp. for women.
We have a fully understood baptismal ministry.
We have joyful, gender inclusive liturgies.
We draw inspiration from our historical past.
We focus on wholeness in women: spiritual, safety, mental, physical, emotional, health, intellect.
Women are free to express their creativity in artistic, intellectual, relationship, leadership ways that are not necessarily ‘traditional’.

Activities of Women of DRG

We hold events where all (ages, demographics, economics, ethnicity, etc.) can come together.
Events are planned with input from all target audiences.
We have childcare (including activities) in conjunction with women’s events.
We always have scholarships for events.
Half of the attendees at women’s events are under 50.
We hold periodic meetings with women’s groups in various places in the DRG (ECW, DOK, MOPS, etc.) for input.
We facilitate varieties of ministries in our parishes.
We have reciprocal ministries, i.e. cross border, cross age, cross economic lines where we not only minister to them, but also learn from our sisters in ‘different’ circumstances.
We encourage eco-friendly homes and churches.


We get news about women’s events in a timely fashion via many media (diocesan website, email, blog, Facebook, etc.)
We are connected via social media.
We have virtual study and/or book groups and online forums so women around the diocese can participate without having to travel.
Next week, we'll conclude this report with the action steps ahead! See how you can be part of this ministry!!