Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Wild Lent Retreat at St. James', Alpine, TX

You can still attend this inspirational and relevant weekend! Even though the deadline for the special room pricing is past, Sharon at the Holland Hotel** has agreed to give the 'best available rate', pending room availability! You can also check with the other hotels in the Alpine area.  (Including the Holiday Inn, Hampton, Quality, Oak Tree...)

All women & men of the Diocese are invited to join Bishop Michael Vono and the Rev. Paul Moore, and others to reflect on the sociological, ecological and social justice issues impacting ministry in our diocese, especially the Border areas, while meditating on Jesus’ time in the wilderness. This retreat is sponsored by the Women of the Diocese and the Brotherhood of St. Andrew.
You can participate in an optional Big Bend National Park tour on Friday morning (leaving 8AM). We’ll carpool through part of the Big Bend National Park, whose landscape is very similar to the Judean wilderness where Jesus was tempted. This time of quiet reflection will offer an inspirational introduction to the weekend’s talks. (Park fees apply)
The main part of the retreat begins at 6PM Friday evening at St. James’ Church in Alpine with dinner and the first presentation based on Matthew 4 by Bishop Vono. 

Time for prayer and reflection will be available throughout the retreat (all day Saturday). Retreat concludes Sunday morning at Eucharist at St. James.

**Historic Holland Hotel: $120/night, (432-837-2800); ask for Sharon & mention “Diocesan Lent Retreat” for group rate until 2/15/17. www.thehollandhoteltexas.com.www.thehollandhoteltexas.com.

Complete schedule and full details in the downloadable brochure.

Register online at Wild Lent (use this one not the previous eventsbot link) or mail in the registration from the brochure. 

Tentative Schedule (subject to change)
Thursday, March 23
Arrival for those who plan to participate in the “Jesus in the Wilderness” Big Bend tour
Dinner on your own

Friday, March 24
8AM: Leave Alpine for drive to Big Bend Park
10AM: Meditative driving tour ‘with’ Jesus in wilderness
1PM: Worship in Santa Inez church and conversations about common issues
4PM: Return to Alpine
6PM: Dinner: St. James’ Parish hall
7PM: Talk 1
8PM: Evening Worship

Saturday, March 25
9AM: Eucharist and Talk 2
10:30AM: Time for reflection/discussion
11:30AM: Lunch 
1PM: Talk 3 with time for reflection/discussion
3PM: Talk 4 with time for reflection/discussion
5:30PM: Dinner by the Brotherhood of St. Andrew
7PM: Talk 5
Discussion and contemplative prayer to close the day

Sunday, March 26
Talk 6 will be the Sunday sermon