Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Banner Over Me Weekend

Women of all ages are invited to take time to sit under the loving Banner of our Lord in the company of other women of God at the Banner Over Me weekend at Trinity on the Hill (3900 Trinity Dr.) in Los Alamos on August 4-5. We’ll start at 5PM on Friday with registration, dinner, fellowship, and discussions. Saturday morning starts with breakfast, and ends about 3PM. (Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast & lunch are included in registration.) Non-Episcopalians are welcome, too. 
This summer weekend provides time for relaxation and conversation as well as inspiration and activities. Remember the Sunday School song: “The Lord is mine and I am His, His banner over me is love…” God wants to love us, and we need to find time to be loved!
There will be time to share ideas about living the Great Commandment in our daily lives. We’ll take time to care for ourselves with quiet, crafts, and maybe even massage. We’ll do outreach and consider the importance of women in God’s work. 
Every attendee is encouraged to bring their favorite prayer. We'll use these as the basis for our Friday evening worship. On Saturday, we'll start the day with Eucharist, as an affirmation of being part of one community-one Body-that shares God's Banner freely. 
Other activities will include a photo booth, perhaps some time for sampling beauty products and trying shoulder massage or chair yoga. We may also experiment with Bible journaling. For those who don't like crafts, there is the option to spend some quiet time in the church. There's always time for visiting with, and making, friends. We'll have the opportunity to visit the new PEEC (Pajarito Environmental Education Center) for some relaxation in the beauty of the high plateau.  
As our outreach (a tradition at the Women's Ministry events), we'll be collecting women's toiletry items for Judygail's Plance, a TOTH outreach program. Registrants will get a full list before the weekend.   
Registration is $25, and includes Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast & lunch. You can download the registration, or pay online via Paypal (see button below).
Lodging is on your own. There are hotels & B&Bs in Los Alamos. Invite a friend to join you and split the room cost!  In-home rooms are available on a first come basis. Contact Claire Singleton for in-home lodging. If you are interested in the history of Los Alamos, come early, or stay over to explore the local museums, nature center, walking trails, Bandelier National Monument, and other interesting things.   

“In the beginning God made the beasts of the fields and the birds of the air and brought them to Man to be named. Whatever man named them stuck.Cat and Dog. Zebra. Platypus. Rhinoceros. Hippopotamus. Man named and named and named….but not one could he call “friend.”God put Man into a deep sleep and then God reached in — not into the dirt, but into the side of Man and made something new from his flesh. Life from life.This creature God named.  “Woman,” God called her.God made her and named her and man said, “Wow!”“Bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh” the Bible says. In other words, “Wow! This is good! This is really, really good! She’s more beautiful than Peacock, more graceful than Eagle, better at conversation than Monkey! She’s amazing!”               (Genesis 2:19-22)– New Groves International Version

“Woman. She is so treasured and essential that God couldn’t pull His pen through even one chapter of His epic tale without her flowing from His heart and onto the page.” Ann Voskamp