As you know, the diocese has entered the process to call a new Bishop in 2018. Please pray for members of the Search Committee, and Transition Team. You can keep up with the search process on the diocesan website. And download the litany of prayer for the search, written by Kathleen Pittman of Roswell.
Come Follow Me: As part of this process, the Women's Ministry and Transition Teams are teaming up to offer Come Follow Me, a series of meditations and activities for small groups or individuals. As we pray and study together as women and men of the diocese, we will be better prepared to elect our new Bishop on May 5.
Each Sunday, starting February 18, a meditation will be posted online to supplement the study guide. You can also sign up to get the study in your email by emailing and asking to sign up.
The Come Follow Me study can be downloaded, and a copy can be mailed if you contact Cindy and request it.
The Come Follow Me study can be downloaded, and a copy can be mailed if you contact Cindy and request it.
Form a small group in your parish or family or current Bible study to join in this opportunity to deepen our community.