Monday, January 4, 2021

ANEW2 on January 23: Why Gratitude Matters


Women's Ministry of the Diocese is staying online in 2021 via ANEW2, our 4th Saturday Zoom gatherings. Join us on January 23 at 10AM for the perfect way to begin the year: Why Gratitude Matters: A Theology of Thankfulness. Contact Cindy Davis to get the Zoom link. 
Our speaker, the Rev. Canon Heather Melton notes, "We live in a time where gratitude is more important than ever as the pandemic has shown us how closely linked our lives are with one another. Saying thank you is one way of acknowledging the love received from another and the gift that God has placed in the moment you experience gratitude. We will consider the importance of gratitude as a Christian virtue, the impact gratitude can have on our lives and health, our experiences of receiving and giving gratitude, and how we can deepen our spiritual disciplines around gratitude." Heather resides in Farmington with her family, including twin daughters. She is UTO Staff Officer for the Episcopal Church. 

ANEW2 Continues in 2021

Feb. 27: All you need is Love (Linda Rounds-Nichols) Linda is collecting the titles or even the phrases from the love songs you remember (Love me Tender, All you Need is Love...what's your favorite?)Please email your favs to Linda with DRG Women in the title of your email. 
March 13: Lent Retreat via Zoom with Canon Lee Curtis
April 24: Borderlands Ministry with the Rev. Susan Hutchins

July and/or Aug.: Bringing Creativity to Worship (in person at St. John's, Alamogordo and St. Bede's, Santa Fe--pending COVID)
Nov.: In Person Annual Fall Weekend Retreat-pending COVID