Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Prayer Phrases

I've titled this 'prayer phrases' because the term 'mantra' confuses some people. These are short, spoken, repetitive verses or prayers that calm our souls and draw us "deeper in and higher up" as CS Lewis says in the Last Battle. As you slowly and prayerfully repeat the phrase or mantra, you are able to let go of the outside worries and by concentrating on the words allow the world to recede into the background.
Mantras are often used as part of a 'Centering prayer' discipline, but they can also be used to calm your troubled soul when the busy-ness around gets to be overwhelming or when you just need to seek God's quiet and be in God's presence.

Some commonly used phrases are:
Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me.
Lord, in your mercy, hear my prayer.
Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10)
Jesus Christ come and meet my deepest need.
Here I am Lord, send me. 
If none of these phrases catches your eye and heart, glance at some of the antiphons in the prayer book, esp. in Morning and Evening Prayer or chose a line of a favorite psalm. The important thing is that whatever phrase you choose is short and speaks to your heart and soul.
Find a quiet place and sit comfortably. Start repeating the phrase slowly-breathing in on the first part of the verse and out on the second (or whatever rhythm feels comfortable to you). Continue to breathe and say the words gradually relaxing and letting go of any thoughts that sneak in to distract you. Keep it up as long as you can, or at least until you find some measure of quiet in your soul.
I find this a wonderfully relaxing way to end the day-and if you doze off-you are resting in God's arms. What better place to sleep?