Monday, March 5, 2012

Prayer Time Capsule

Lent is the perfect time to make a Prayer Time Capsule. What is that, you ask? It is noting some prayer promises and putting them away for a certain amount of time before reviewing them to see if you fulfilled them.
Write down the prayer promises and disciplines you plan to keep for the rest of Lent. Maybe you are going to use the 5-Finger Prayer model from Friday's post every day to remind you to pray for people. Perhaps you have taken on saying one of the daily offices each day in Lent or you are praying through the Psalms or the Lord's Prayer as suggested in earlier posts.
Whatever your prayer disciplines are, write them down and put them away until the end of Lent. You can use an envelope or something nicer like a little wooden box if you have one. Some of us have prayer box necklaces which offer the perfect place to put the prayer promises. If you are crafty, you can make a cute little box to put your prayers in.

Writing down your prayer discipline helps internalize them and as Proverbs 3:3 says you will find, "love and faithfulness [will] never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart."
A Prayer Time Capsule can also be used to save prayer requests for some special needs, for discernment or healing or guidance, etc. Write them down, put them away, and in a month or year or other time frame-open your capsule and see what results have come from your prayers.