Wednesday, October 21, 2020

ECW Notes

What is ECW? It's Episcopal Church Women-so if you are an Episcopal Woman, you are a member of ECW. You don't have to have a 'chapter', or even be active in any women's groups--it's automatic!  

As Women's Ministry of the Diocese of the Rio Grande, we are part of that larger connection; AND we open our arms to women from all denominations who may want to participate in our events and retreats. Being actively part of ECW also means women from around the province can and have joined in our gatherings and retreats! 

The ECW website states simply, "Since 1871, the National Episcopal Church Women, ECW, have championed women’s rights and the Christian foundation of God and family. They are an affiliate of the Episcopal Church and celebrate that Episcopalians believe in a loving, liberating, and life-giving God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Their women’s ministry and children’s programs feed, educate, and provide community grants around the world. They are a volunteer organization that creates a legacy for Episcopal Church Women to lead future generations with stewardship in Christ."

Having been recently elected as the Prov. 7 ECW Vice President I will try to keep you all informed of what is happening in our Province. Let me know if you have questions or comments. I don't anticipate any sudden changes to the way we minister as Women of the Diocese of the Rio Grande as we are actually one of the dioceses that is actively ministering. (Something you call each pat yourselves on the back for!) We'll just be a little more conscious of our broader connection to women in the Province and the wider church! 

As a diocese in ECW, we are able to make donations and request grants. We can be in prayer for those dioceses in Province 7 (our province of the Episcopal Church) who don't currently have active women's ministry: NWTX, W-MO, W-KS. We can pray for and come alongside the W-LA area that includes the Lake Charles area devastated by the hurricanes. We can nominate women to serve and we can attend Triennial gatheringsVia the Communique, we can keep up with news from across ECW. Check out the full ECW website for a lot more information about history and activities.