Saturday, October 24, 2020

Prayer Vigil to Share

 During the ANEW2 Women's Ministry gathering on Oct. 24, a prayer vigil was introduced for use and sharing. 

Click to download the Vigil. All prayers are from the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer. 

The Vigil is made for use now through the election on November 3. It includes prayers for our Diocesan Convention on Oct. 29-31.

You are encouraged to pray the Litany for Sound Government (at the beginning of the file) each day along with the prayer for the date.

You are welcome to add other prayers, such as the Lord’s Prayer or Collect for the Day as desired.

All prayers are found in the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) as noted. You can use this in conjunction with Morning or Evening Prayer or Compline, or just as separate prayers. 

(Other election prayer resources available from ForwardMovement: Season-of-Prayer)