Thursday, December 30, 2021

A Rule of Life: ANEW2 on January 22: slides and video


A Rule of Life Slides and Video

On Sat., Jan. 22, the Rev. Pat Green presented an interesting overview of what a Rule of Life is, why it's important, and how to build your own. 

Slides for the event can be downloaded. These include ideas and a grid for creating a Rule of Life. 

A video of the presentation and discussions can be viewed on YouTube. 

We all live with a Rule of Life, whether we've ever actually written it down or thought about it. There are as many styles and types as there are people. Some are based in the Ten Commandments, or on a monastic Rule, or found in multiple online inspirations, or simply from your daily routines.

Remember the upcoming
Lent retreat and book study:

March 3-April 7: Becoming the Church… Thursday evening Zoom study of the Lord’s Prayer led by Cindy Davis. We'll use several books and group discussion to consider how the Lord's Prayer is a guide to a Rule of Life and living as a "Church that Looks and Acts like Jesus"

Books (which you don't have to have in hand, but which are available on Amazon) include:
The Lord's Prayer, Walk in Love (Cynthia Davis)- available from Cindy Davis and Amazon
The Praying Life (Deborah Smith Douglas) - Amazon
Prayers of the Cosmos (Neil Douglas-Klotz) - Amazon
The Lord & His Prayer (N.T. Wright) - Amazon
The Great House of God (Max Lucado) - Amazon

March 26: Lent retreat with the Rev. Patty Soukup (St. Luke’s, La Union & Zoom) Focusing on how women are uniquely qualified to share wisdom with each other. How we can take care of the details (like wills, etc.) that can distract so that we ARE free to be leaders and wise women.