Sunday, January 30, 2022

Lent Book Club: We are Becoming

 In Lent you are invited to join a weekly Zoom study on the Lord's Prayer. We are using that as a starting point for discussions about "Becoming a Church that Looks and Acts like Jesus". This is an ongoing initiative by the Episcopal Church to look at ways of living, being and worshipping to 'reclaim our Christian identity as a Spirit-driven countercultural, underground movement'. 

We'll use The Lord's Prayer: Walk in Love by Cynthia Davis as well as other resources about the Lord's Prayer (see below). 

Contact Cindy Davis for the link. 

Books (which you don't have to have in hand, but which are available on Amazon) include:
The Lord's Prayer, Walk in Love (Cynthia Davis)- available from Cindy Davis and Amazon
The Praying Life (Deborah Smith Douglas) - Amazon
Prayers of the Cosmos (Neil Douglas-Klotz) - Amazon
The Lord & His Prayer (N.T. Wright) - Amazon
The Great House of God (Max Lucado) - Amazon

And mark your calendar for the Lent retreat (details available mid-February)

March 26: Lent retreat with the Rev. Patty Soukup (St. Luke’s, La Union & Zoom) 
Focusing on how women are uniquely qualified to share wisdom with each other. How we can take care of the details (like wills, etc.) that can distract so that we ARE free to be leaders and wise women.